2 min readMar 30, 2021


She was killed!

With every passing day, she was dying. She was not even able to tell anybody that she is dying slowly. She could feel the death inside. Her eyes were door to her innerself;they could narrate whatever she couldn’t. Many times, she thought to tell him what she wanted. But was he ready to listen to her? He was always in his own world. How could he have time for her out of his extremely busy schedule. She was not his priority. How could she be? She always felt that she had nothing special that could attract him. But again why is he always criticizing her considering her his property. Am I not a human like him? Don’t I have feelings and emotions? She always asked herself these questions many times in a single day. She was certain that he could never realise her feelings and emotions. Giving everything of his choice was not the solution. Where was her choice? Where were her dreams? She could never find answers to these questions. Tears were rolling down her face. The last tear in the corner of her eyes was a prediction of her ending . She just fell down and he suddenly came and looked at her and again said “why are you always like this?” She understood that he is not going to change. She firmly decided to never open her eyes and her fate fulfilled this desire of hers atleast. But it was not a natural death. It was a slow poisoning!slow poisoning by giving damn to her pure feelings and emotions!self love is a curse!




I am a sensitive soul. I love to depict the society the way it works. I wish I could work for its betterment.